Examples Preface - Preface is written overview that serves as a brief introduction of a post, that's less understanding foreword by Indonesian dictionary. The preface was never separated from a writing scientific papers both scientific as well as non clippings, papers or other writings and in this article I give a few words of instruction papers that you can use or just as a reference for those of you who are making paper or other writings.
Preface to the paper should provide a brief overview of the paper or the paper that both the theme papers, papers and so on objectives and to facilitate the understanding of this preface following below are the things that should be contained in the preface
Speech gratitude to almighty God
Explaining the existence of the task of writing scientific papers .. to this point because there are relatively papers made not because the task example is the books purely for commercial
In the preface to explain the existence of the help and guidance of a person or organization
An explanation of the purpose of writing these papers
Gratitude to a person or parties who have assisted in the writing of the paper
The mention of the name of the city, date, month and year as well as the author's name without signature
Hope the writers of literary
The explanation being willing writers to get critiques and suggestions are made from paper
It was several points contained in the foreword paper, but if in the manufacture of paper or other writings there are some points that you think you do not need to be written does not mean the paper or the paper is not good. An example is to point 2 above, if it is in the manufacture of paper is not based on the task it does not need to be written in the preface, because if it is imposed even reduce the value of the paper or the paper and it means you are not honest with papers your own.
After understanding about the points above preface next below a few examples preface papers or you can also directly read the sample paper that I posted in a previous article.
1.Preface Islamic religion papers
Assalamualikum Wr. wb
Praise Allah SWT us over abundance of grace, His Taufik and inayah healthy and delicious so that the preparation of the paper in order to fulfill the task of the Islamic religion courses can be completed as expected. Blessings and greetings to the king always tercurahkan Prophet Muhammad and may we always hold fast to the Sunnah Ameen ...
Islam is a religion that is relevant to all ages who have been proven in several scientific studies and from different angles and aspects of life.
In the preparation of this paper must always accompany barriers but for the help, encouragement and guidance from parents, lecturers and friends who I can not mention one by one finally all obstacles in the preparation of this paper can be resolved.
The paper is structured with a goal as well as to broaden the information, especially regarding the relevance of the religion of Islam with the times and as for the method that we took in the preparation of this paper is based on the collection of resources from a variety of papers and studies as well as interviews from people who are competent to theme of this paper.
Hopefully, this paper can provide a benefit and that ideas, especially for the readers and do not forget we apologize if in the preparation of this paper there is an error either in vocabulary or the entire contents of this paper. We as the authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect and for that criticism and suggestions so we would expect for our own good for the future.
2.Kata drugs introductory paper
Thank God we pray to the Almighty God, by means of, grace and gift of penyusuna papers as a school assignment Indonesian subjects completed our flats in accordance with what is expected, and do not forget we say thank you to all those who helped the preparation of a paper on the dangers of drugs to health and the younger generation.
Preparation of this paper is not intended to socialize other about the dangers of drugs among students and young people and the last one we as writers do not forget ask advice and criticism from both the foibles of composition papers, vocabulary or content contained in this paper.
Thank you.
3.Kata introductory educational papers
Assalamualikum Wr. wb
All praise belongs to Allah the god of hosts on the science of healthy and delicious paper that has been given so that we can arrange with no obstacles, prayers and peace always tercurahkan to the king of the Prophet Muhammad and hopefully we are able to imitate Ameen ...
Education is the gateway to science and is an important factor for the younger generation of intelligent print and character and every human being has an equal right to education, which is a description of our paper entitled The Young Generation Intelligent Printing And Personality With Character Education
The paper is structured for the purpose of dissemination of the importance of media education and information about the development of character-based education
Hopefully, this paper can provide benefits and motivation as well as add insight to my personal particular and for the readers. Do not forget we also apologize if in the preparation of this paper there is an error in the preparation and content of papers and vocabulary that may not meet the standards of good Indonesian and correct. We as the authors are aware that this paper is still far from perfect and for that criticism and suggestions so we would expect for our own good for the future.
Those are some examples preface all of which you can edit to suit the theme of your paper will be made and if there is criticism and suggestions for articles either a collection of examples of this preface as well as other articles on the blog please convey this instance this article via the comment