Indonesian education is one of the compulsory subjects taught from primary level to higher education. But that is very surprising as Indonesian citizens who receive education and learn Indonesian still many who do not understand Indonesian well both orally and in writing. This is evident from the number of students who have National Exam which is still very low.
Indonesian is the official language of the Republic Indonesiadan language of national unity Indonesia.Di East Timor, Indonesian status as a working language.
From the linguistic point of view, Indonesian is one of the many regional variations of Melayu.Penamaan "Indonesian" Youth Pledge initiated since its launch, October 28, 1928, to avoid the impression "language imperialism" if the name remains digunakan.Proses this Malay cause different language Indonesia is a variant of the language used in the Riau Malay and the Malay Peninsula. Until now, the Indonesian is a living language, which continues to produce new words, either through the creation and absorption of the local language and a foreign language.
Although it is understood and spoken by more than 90% of people in Indonesia, Indonesian is not the mother tongue for most speakers. The majority of Indonesian citizens using one of the 748 languages in Indonesia as ibu.Fonologi language and Indonesian grammar is considered relatively easy.
Not infrequently students are treated as subjects Indonesian students in the Faculty of Literature and Language. After 12 years of studying Indonesian, whether they are able to speak Indonesian properly, either in writing or terlisan?
And what about the ability to speak Indonesian student S2? Just as students D3 and S1, it turns out most of S2 and S3 students are weak in the Indonesian language. Brief exposure above proves the inability of most (large?) Students in the Indonesian language, in this case written language. So what should be done by the Indonesian lecturers that not all Indonesian university degree?
In other words, every lecturer must be able to be a lecturer Indonesian. Opinion articles relating directly or indirectly to the Indonesian published in the print media was not too be missed. In the context of this paper, not Indonesian lecturers teach students, but lecturers Indonesian and students alike to learn Indonesian. When some of these efforts may dilaksakanakan earnestly and gladly by the Indonesian students and faculty, then we are sure our graduates are not only capable and skilled in terlisan Indonesian language and writing, but also really love their national language itself.