Speech about drugs - Theme of drug seems to still be one of the topics that are often on the pillowcase on many occasions and from a variety of different scope is no exception in the student environment. Efforts to promote the dangers of drug use, especially in the students one of which is through the example of speech about drugs. Apart from being a medium of socialization dangers of drug use, the speech samples can also be used as an exercise to bring skilled speech before an audience, but if the theme of this drug does not fit your opinion, you can see other examples of speech with the theme of speeches about education and other speech samples that can be you're looking at the papers and speeches label at the top of this article on the blog example
speech samples
speech samples
There are some things that we must learn to be able to bring a good speech with which
Mastering the theme or topic of what would you convey to the speech
Train or mentally to perform before an audience accustomed
Knowing the scope or which become audience
Skilled in assembling language
Use language that is understood by the audience. A good speaker is able to put in place the appropriate language
Speech About Drugs
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. and best wishes to us all
Dear Mr. Principal
I respect Mr. and Mrs. Teacher and teaching staff
And I respect all my friends
Praise be to Allah SWT and gratitude we say over abundance of grace and the gift that we can gather here in a healthy state wal afiat. Blessings and greetings to the king always tercurahkan prophet Muhammad and hopefully we are able to imitate.
As the opening of what I will present on this happy occasion, I say thank you for your time and the opportunity that has been given to convey some issues related to the drug which is the theme of the speech this time.
Drug is any substance harmful to health and can lead to addiction effects for drug users and continues to evolve through a process until a new type of drug-drug and have more harmful effects than previous types of drugs.
Through print and electronic media, we can see how to build a network of drug dealers in order to sell and distribute the goods. Of an international network of drug hopper until the hopper via courier and packed in a neat and circulated to arrive in remote areas even to the penitentiary which incidentally is the place to provide a deterrent for those who violate the law, including distributing and consuming drugs.
Mr. and Mrs. teachers and friends who I respect
If the prisons that every time there is a check and they were able to pass the guard post to distribute drugs then what about the educational institutions? We need to know that students who are of age and generally have high levels of emotional psychologically unstable and immature thought patterns are very susceptible to affected and interested in the things they think are new and this becomes a space for drug traffickers to influence and incite to using the pretext of a drug lifestyle and trends of today's teens.
To avoid circulation and drug abuse among students both in school and in everyday social environment, awareness and knowledge about the dangers of drugs needs to be instilled in every student by way of delivery of content, discussion forums, or in the form of school assignments and other tasks such as making of short stories with the theme of the dangers of drugs, drug task on paper or socializing with other media such as posters and magazines walls of which are themed on the dangers of drug abuse.
With the above methods are not directly the students or the student will be familiar with the effects of drug abuse and over time will form the mindset to stay away from drug use.
Before I end this speech about drugs once again I say thank you for your concern and apologize if there are words or speech that is not pleasing to the friends and especially Mr. Principals and teachers are all Ladies
Wassalamualaikum Wr. WB.
Examples of drugs in the speech you can adjust the scope of the audience and you can add your knowledge about drugs and I end this article I hope to provide benefits